Beauty Experts Recommend Satin Pillowcases

"Rest your head on a satin pillowcase. Those creases you sometimes wake up with across your face? They can actually cause wrinkles to develop. Switching to satin will prevent them and can also help smooth frizzy hair, too.” ~Allure Magazine, How to Wake Up Beautiful
VIXEN DAILY “Sleep on a satin pillowcase. Satin actually reduces breakage.” ~Vixen Daily, How to Grow your Hair Really Long.
Dr. Mona Gohara, associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine recommends using a satin pillowcase- they're less abrasive than the cotton kind. ~Good Housekeeping, 12 Really Bad Habits that Cause Wrinkles
“Sleep on satin. It sounds extreme, but if you have especially frizz-prone hair it’s worth it. Regular pillowcases tend to create friction when you’re sleeping, which can cause frizz.” ~Living Proof, The Strand Blog, 6 Stylists Approved Tips to Make Your Blow-Out Last
Satin Pillowcases are the Beauty Trick You Should Try Right Now. “Satin pillowcases help to prevent frizzing and roughing of the cuticle on any hair texture and can help to prolong styles, whether your hair is kinky, curly, wavy or straight,” Anthony Dickey, hair stylist and owner of Hair Rules Salon told Huffington Post.
“Sleep on satin pillowcases, especially if you have dry or curly hair. Regular cotton fabrics create friction which ruffles the cuticle and makes hair frizzy.” ~ In Style Magazine, Getting Gorgeous
“Keep your strands healthy and smooth by replacing your cotton pillowcase with a satin one,” suggests Philip Pelusi, Pittsburg-based owner of 13 salons and creator of the Phyto-Life Hair Care Line. “Cotton has rougher fibers that grip and catch your hair.” Pelusi says. “Satin causes less friction [and static] as the hair moves against the pillow, which means less damage and breakage- especially for people who already have weak or damaged hair.” ~Shape Magazine, Smoother Hair Overnight
“Sleep on a satin pillowcase to keep hair from coming out in clumps.” American Cancer Society also lists Satin Pillowcases as a gift suggestion for someone with cancer.
Kim’s silken secret: “I think we all have satin pillows that we sleep on,” the star reveals of the Kardashian family beauty secret. “It helps you to not get as wrinkled if you have a satin pillowcase.” ~People Magazine, Sleeping Beauties: How Hollywood Gets Gorgeous at Night